Hotel Julian
Elisky peskove, 11, 15000 Praga, Praga (Czech Republic)
Julian is located in Praga, Praga. A classic combination of the city's attractions and entertainments of hotel, the Julian Hotel is your preferred choice of accommodation.
0,10 Km.
Praga, Praga
0,10 Km.
Praga, Praga
0,20 Km.
Praga, Praga
0,20 Km.
Praga, Praga
0,30 Km.
Praga, Praga
0,30 Km.
Praga, Praga
0,30 Km.
Praga, Praga
0,40 Km.
Praga, Praga
0,50 Km.
Praga, Praga
(*) Some services are to be paid directly in the hotel. The photos show an general idea. Installations could be different.
If you need help booking your hotel, change or cancel
Monday to Friday from 9h to 20hEMERGENCIES AT DESTINATION
If you have an emergency.