Sunbreeze Suites is located in San Pedro, Cayo Ambergris. The Hotel central location has been one of the top choices for visitors in "la Isla Bonita" San Pedro, Belize. This Resort with beautiful, comfortable and nicely decorated suites offers a tranquil, and relaxed atmosphere in addition to stunning views of the Caribbean Sea and the largest barrier reef in the western hemisphere. Guest are looking forward to spend a fun vacation full of activities, or just sitting back on the beach relaxing while sipping a tropical drink and gently being caressed by the refreshing sea-breeze.
0,00 Km.
San Pedro, Cayo Ambergris
0,50 Km.
San Pedro, Cayo Ambergris
0,50 Km.
San Pedro, Cayo Ambergris
0,90 Km.
San Pedro, Cayo Ambergris
1,10 Km.
San Pedro, Cayo Ambergris
1,90 Km.
San Pedro, Cayo Ambergris
2,00 Km.
Cayo Ambergris, Cayo Ambergris
6,10 Km.
San Pedro, Cayo Ambergris
(*) Some services are to be paid directly in the hotel. The photos show an general idea. Installations could be different.
If you need help booking your hotel, change or cancel
Monday to Friday from 9h to 20hEMERGENCIES AT DESTINATION
If you have an emergency.