Paradores in Córdoba
Best Paradores in Córdoba
In Paradores in Córdoba we can offer you 1 paradores. Select your preferred date and book your hotel in the most visited cities or in your next vacation destination with the best offers and at the best price. Remember that by reserving at Quierohotel you can modify or cancel for free and without management costs until a few days before entering the accommodation.
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Córdoba, Córdoba - Avda. de la Arruzafa, s/n
From the hill surrounded by vegetation the hotel gives a view beyond your wildest dreams. San Pablo Airport at Seville is around 130 km from the hotel, while Pablo Ruiz Picasso Airport at Malaga is approximately 225 km away. Light, elegance and simplicity dominate the personality of this city hotel. It is built in the ruins of the former summer palace and gardens of Abderraman I. In addition to the prevailing atmosphere of peace and tranquility, with natural light streaming through the large win...
Offers Paradores in Córdoba
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